August 25, 2011

San Francisco "K"nights

 My theme for this trip.

The view from Jon's place, and yes we climb that beast in the middle

 The town I could visit every year, and still have a completely different experience every time. Hands down my favorite place to be. I feel SF is a little of Seattle, New York, and LA mixed into one explosively bright community.

The 16 hour drive from Seattle isn't that bad, when you sleep for 12, lol. My husband is pretty great at driving all the way through, he is crazy. Steffy was on 4 double shots by the time we got there.

We went down to be touristy by the Warf while our friend Jon was working.

He was pretty much our tour guide the entire time we were down there, and let us crash at his place! What a blast we had all because of him, and I don't know how many times I have to say THANK YOU!

Told you we climbed that beast!

City Lights for Steffy

Every Thursday, 6-10:30, 21+, music and drinks at the California Academy of Sciences. For 12 bucks! We got to have drinks and check out all these rad exhibits! Did I mention Jon had a hook up on the drinks.... Seriously the best time!!


To see more of the aminals (lol) check here

Yes, that is the Golden Gate on my nails. Thanks to Steffy, that talented girl.

None of us have
  ever walked across before, and we all had to get over our fear of heights.

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