October 6, 2011

Good Morning Seattle

Last Monday morning my girl Steffy convinced me to wake my ass up at 4:30am (after a semi night of drinking that ended at 1:30am-ish) and venture out to the city. I of course said yes. I was in need of some good quality time with my girl, over that weekend my family had suffered through a loss and not gonna lie, it has been a hard one for me. So thanks girl for getting me up, out, busy, and with a little work mixed in to get me back to reality.

1st stop was Kerry Park, duh how can I not get a glistening "Seattle" landscape at 5am! Then off to pikes to watch the fishermen get ready for the day, and lack of flowers. We wandered around for a while and ended up on Broadway to score some mimosas and breakfast.

Oh Broadway, littered with Rainer beer cans and coffee shop beverages in the planters. How can you not love this city!?

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