July 10, 2011

A few fisheyes for the weekend.......

My husband and I took a walk the night of the 4th, fireworks are banned in our little town, but the large family down the street really didn't care so much. As we got closer to their house the dad was telling the kids to grab everything and run if the heard a car in case it was the cops. When he saw me coming with this huge lens on my camera he goes watch out for her she'll get you with that! HAHAH!!!

The RR crew and I went to play last week :)

I was sitting in the middle of the merry-go-round taking pictures for probably a good 10 minutes. I got so dizzy every time I looked up from the eyepiece, lol.

trying to get Tate to look up, lol

Young love ;)

Me, thanks photographer Jenna

This was also from Jenna! Good job girl!

Ok, how freaking cute is this little pup!!

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